Chapter 5. How to talk about various practitioners

Root/Word Pronunciation Meaning
1. psychologist sī-KOL′-Ə-jist 心理学家
Greek [psyche] spirit, soul, mind
psyche 灵魂,心灵,精神
psychic 精神的,超自然的,灵魂的
Greek [iatreia] medical healing
psychiatrist 精神病医生
[-ic] adjective suffix
Greek [soma] body
psychosomatic 受心理影响的
Greek [pathos] suffering, disease
psychopathic 精神变态的
2. psychoanalyst sī-kō-AN′-Ə-list 精神分析学家
psychoanalysis 精神分析
Greek [genesis] birth, origin
psychogenic 心理性的
psychotherapy 精神疗法
psychotherapist 精神疗法医生
3. orthodontist awr-thƏ-DON′-tist 正齿医生
Greek [othos] straight
Greek [odontos] tooth
[paidos] child
pedodontic/pedodontist/pedodontia 儿童牙医/儿童牙科的/儿童牙科
Greek [endon] inner
endodontist 牙髓病学
[ex-] out
exodontist 拔牙专家
[peri-] around
periodontist 牙周病学家
4. optometrist op-TOM′-Ə-trist 验光师
[opsis,optikos] view
[metron] measurement
Greek [therme] heat
thermonmeter 温度计
Greek [baros] weight
barometer 气压计
Greek [sphygmos] pulse
sphygmomanometer 血压计
5. optician op-TISH′-Ən 眼镜商,配制👓技师
6. osteopath OS′-tee-Ə-path 整骨疗法专家
Greek [osteon] bone
osteopathy, osteopathic 整骨疗法,整骨疗法的
Greek[pathos] suffering, disease
7. chiropractor KĪ′-rƏ-prƏk′-tƏr 脊骨神经科医生,手疗法医师
chiropratic 手治疗法
Greek [cheir], rewritten to Englisth chiro- hand
Greek[-mancy] foretelling
chiromancy/chiromancer 手相术/手相师
chiromantic 手相的
chirography/chirographer 书法/书法家
8. podiatrist pƏ-DĪ′-Ə-trist 足病医生
Greek [pous, podos] foot
Greek [iatreia] medical healing
podiatry/podiatric 足部医疗/足部医学的
Greek [okto] eight
octopus 章鱼
Greek [platys] broad,flat
platypus 鸭嘴兽
[-ium] place where
podium 讲台,表演台
[tri-] three
tripod 三足的东西(三脚架,三足鼎,等)
chiropodist kƏ-ROP’-Ə-dist 手足病医生
9. graphologist 笔相家
Greek [graphein] to write
Greek [kallos] beauty
calligraphy 美术字
cardiography 心电图
Greek [kakos] bad,harsh
cacography 书法不佳
photograph 照片
Greek [phone] sound
phonograph 留声机
Greek [tele-] distance
telegraph 电报
Greek [bio-] life
biography 传记
10. gerontologist jair′-Ən-TOL′-Ə-jist 老年病专家
Greek [geras] old age
gerontological 老年学的
Latin [senex] old
senile 衰老的
senescent 变老的,growing old
senior/senirority 资深的, older
senate 参议院,上院. A council older
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