Chapter 14. How to talk about common phenomena and occurrences

Word/Root Pronunciation Meaning
1. penury PEN′-yƏ-ree 赤贫,缺乏
Latin [penuria] need, neediness
penurious pƏ-NYR′-ee-Əs 贫穷的,赤贫的
parsimonious/parsimony PAHR′-sƏ-mō′-nee 过渡节俭的,吝啬的/过度节俭,吝啬
indigence IN′-dƏ-jƏns 贫乏,穷困
indigent IN′-dƏ-jƏnt 贫乏的,穷困的
destitution des′-tƏ-T′-shƏn 贫乏,穷困
destitute DES′-tƏ-tt 极度缺乏的,贫乏的
Latin [ad-] toward (changing to af- bfore a root beginning with f)
Latin [fluo] to flow
affluence AF′-l-Əns 富裕,富足
affluent AF′-l-Ənt 富裕的
fluid 流利的
influence 影响
confluence 回流
Latin [opulentus] wealthy
opulence OP′-yƏ-lƏns 富裕,豪华
opulent OP′-yƏ-lƏnt 富裕的,豪华的
2. vicarious vī-KAĪR′-ee-Əs 间接体验的,代理的,感同身受的
3. ephemeral Ə-FEM′-Ə-rƏl 短暂的,瞬息的
Greek [ephemera] dayfly
[e-] out
[vanesco] to vanish
evanescent 短暂的,迅速消失遗忘的
evanesce (v.) (生命周期短暂)逐渐消失,隐没begin to vanish
[-ent] adjective suffix
[-esce] begin to
adolesent begin to grow up。青春期
putrescent begin to rot. 将腐烂的,腐败的
convalesce begin to get well 康复
obsolesent becoming obsolete 逐步废弃的
4. euphemism Y′-fƏ-miz-Əm 委婉语,委婉说法
Greek [eu-] good
Greek [pheme] voice
[-ism] noun suffix
euphemistic 委婉的
euphony good sound. 谐音
euphonic/euphonous 好听的
eulogy 颂词,颂文
[logos] science, study
[logos] word, speech
philology 语言学
monologue 独白
dialogue 对话
epilogue 结语
prologue 开场白,序言
eulogistic/eulogize/eulogist 做颂词的/称赞,颂扬/赞颂者
euphoria good feeling。幸福感,精神欢快
Greek [thanatos] death
euthanasia 安乐死
5. badinage BAD′-Ə-nƏj 打趣,玩笑
cliche once new and fresh, but which now is so old. "You speak in cliches"
bromide 溴化物,安眠药,陈词滥调
Greek [platus] flat
[-tude] noun suffix。表示状态
platitude 老生常谈
platitudinous 平凡的,陈腐的
Greek [an-] negative prefix
Greek [odyne] pain
anodyne 止痛的,镇痛的,四平八稳的
6. bovine BŌ′-vīn′ 牛的,关于牛的,迟钝的. A bovine person is somwhat like a vegetable: eats and grows and lives, but apparently is lacking in any strong feelings
Latin [bovis] ox, cow
Latin [-ine] like, similar to
Latin [leo] lion
leonine lion like
Latin [canis] dog
canine dog-like
Latin [felis] cat
feline cat-like
Latin [porcus] pig
porcine piglike
Latin [vulpus] fox
vulpine foxlike (in appearance or temperament) 狐狸似的,狡猾的
Latin [lupus] wolf
lupine wolflike 狼的,似狼的
lupus 狼疮,天狼座
Latin [ursus] bear
ursine bearlike 熊的,像熊的
Ursa Major and Ursa Minor 大熊星系,小熊星
Ursula a little bear
Latin [equus] horse
equine horselike
Latin [piscis] fish
piscine fishlike,鱼的
7. nostalgia nƏ-STAL′-jƏ 怀念,念旧,怀旧
Greek [nostos] a return
Greek [algos] pain
nostalgic 怀旧的,乡愁的,令人怀念的
8. cacophony kƏ-KOF′-Ə-nee 发音不和谐
Greek [kakos] bad,harsh,ugly
cacophonous 发音不和谐的
phonograph 留声机
saxophone 萨克斯管
xylophone 木琴
phonetics 发音学,语音学
phonics the science of sound。声学
9. carnivorous kahr-NIV′-Ər-Əs 肉食的
[carnis] flesh
carnelian color of red flesh
carnival 狂欢节
carnal 世俗的,肉体的,性欲的
carnage great destruction of life。大屠杀
reincarnation 再投胎,再生
incarnate 人体化的,拟人化的
[voro] to devour
Latin [herba] herb, 草本植物
herbivorous 素食的
voracious 贪吃的,贪婪的。voracious eater, voracious reader, voracious in one's pursuit of money
Latin [omni] all
omnivorous 杂食性的
Latin [potens,potentis] powerful
omnipotent 权力无限的
impotent 无力的,虚弱的
potentate 君主,统治者
potent 强有力的,有权势的
potential 潜在的,潜力的
omniscient all-knowing,无所不知的
omnipresent 无所不在的
Latin [ubique] everywhere
ubiquity 无处不在的
omnibus 公共汽车,文库
10. clandestine klan-DES′-tin 秘密的,私下的,暗中的
Latin [clam] secretly
[rept-] creep, 爬
surreptitious 鬼鬼祟祟的

Other Words

Word Meaning
[syl-] 抓捕
asylum 避难所,精神病院
slum 贫民窟
arid 干旱的,干燥的
bumbling 装模作样的。犯错误
fallacious 欺骗的,谬误的
hackneyed 老一套的,陈腐的
allay 减轻(疼痛)
sedative 有镇静作用的
trauma 创伤,损伤
stealthy 悄悄的,鬼鬼祟祟的
sneaky 鬼祟的
furtive 鬼祟的
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