Clear sentences





  • be动词的各种形式: is, are, am, was, were等
  • occur
  • happen


Weak Verb Strong Verb
The exception occurs when dividing by zero. Dividing by zero raises the exception.
This error message happens when... The system generates this error message when...
We are very careful to ensure... We carefully ensure...

许多作者对be动词有强依赖,好像这是餐架上唯一的香料一样。选择各种不同的动词,让你的文档更加“开胃”。 当然,be动词有时是最佳选择,所以不要认为你要从你的文章中拿掉每个be动词。


  • 句子中的主语是不精确的,或缺失的。
  • 被动语句。



  1. When a variable declaration doesn't have a datatype, a compiler error happens.
  2. Compiler errors occur when you leave off a semicolon at the end of a statement.
  1. 可能的答案如下:
    • When a variable declaration doesn't specify a datatype, the compiler generates an error message.
    • If you declare a variable but don't specify a datatype, the compiler generates an error message.
  2. 可能的答案如下:
    • Compilers issue errors when you omit a semicolon at the end of a statement.
    • A missing semicolon at the end of a statement triggers compiler errors.

去掉 there is/there are

使用 there is或there are的句子就像通用名词嫁给了通用动词。普通的婚礼让观众乏味。给读者真诚的“爱”,使用真正的主语和真实的动词吧。

最佳状况下,你只需简单删掉句子里的There isThere are(或许句子后再删除一两个其他词)即可。参考如下例句:

There is a variable called met_trick that stores the current accuracy.

去掉There is,把真正的主语呈现出来。例如,以下任何一个句子都比原文更清晰:

A variable named met_trick stores the current accuracy.

The met_trick variable stores the current accuracy.

有时,你可以把真正的主语和动词从句末移动到句首来修复There be句子。例如,下面句子中代词you出现在句末:

There are two disturbing facts about Perl you should know.

There is替换成You是句子更佳明确。

You should know two disturbing facts about Perl.

其他情况下,作者是为了避免创建真正的主语和动词的麻烦,而使用了There isThere are如果没有主语,那么就创建主语。例如,下面的There is语句没有标明接收实体:

There is no guarantee that the updates will be received in sequential order.

通过将There is修改为更有意义的主语(例如clients),为读者创建更清晰的体验:

Clients might not receive the updates in sequential order.


通过去掉There is,让句意更加明确(你可以随意重排句子并增加、修改或删除单词):

  1. There is a lot of overlap between X and Y.
  2. There is no creator stack for the main thread.
  3. There is a low-level, TensorFlow, Python interface to load a saved model.
  4. There is a sharding function named distribute that assigns keys.
  1. X and Y overlap a lot.
  2. The main thread does not provide a creator stack.
  3. TensorFlow provides a low-level Python interface to load a saved model.
  4. The distribute sharding function assigns keys.



Thanks to adjectives, plain old grass becomes prodigal and verdant, while lifeless hair transforms into something lustrous and exuberant. Adverbs push horses to run madly and freely and dogs to bark loudly and ferociously.Unfortunately, adjectives and adverbs sometimes make technical readers bark loudly and ferociously.




Setting this flag makes the application run screamingly fast.

诚然, " screamingly fast"能引起读者的注意,但并不是从好的一面。请给你的读者提供真实的数据而不是营销言论。你需要将没有确定性的形容词和副词修改为客观的数字信息。例如:

Setting this flag makes the application run 225-250% faster.




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