Chapter 15. How to talk about what goes on

Word/Root Pronunciation Meaning
1. enervate EN′-Ər-vayt′ 使衰弱,使失去活力
Latin [nervus] nerve
enervation 无活力,衰减
Greek [en-] in
Greek [ergon] work
erg 尔格(功的单位)
[syn-] together or with
synergism 神人协力合作说,合作
synergy 协同,配合
2. castigate KAS′-tƏ-gayt′ 严厉批评,惩戒
Latin [castigate] to punish
3. self-abnegate self-AB′-nƏ-gayt′ 自我否定
Latin [ab-] away
Latin [nego] to deny
self abnegation 自我克制
Latin [neg-] no, not
Latin [aio] I say
negate 取消,使无效,否定,否认
negativity 否定性
4. recapitulate ree′-kƏ-PICH′-Ə-layt′ 重述,概括
Latin [caput, capitis] head
captain 机长,船长
capital 首都
decapitate 杀头
Latin [capitulum] little head
recapitulate 重述,概括
capitulate 认输,屈从
5. vegetate VEJ′-Ə-tayt′ 过单调呆板的生活,植物似的生长
Latin [vegeto] to live and grow
6. simulate SIM′-yƏ-layt′ 假装,冒充
Latin [simulo] to copy
Latin [similis] like or similar
simulation 模仿,模拟
dissimulation 掩饰,虚伪,装糊涂
dissemble/dissemblance 掩饰(真相)/ 虚饰,伪装
Latin [dis-] negative prefix
7. intimate IN′-tƏ-mayt′ 亲密的,亲近的
Latin [intimus] innermost
intimation 暗示,正式宣告
8. alleviate Ə-LEE′-vee-ayt′ 减轻,缓解
Latin [levis] light
[ad-], changes to al- before root starting with l to
relieve to make light or easy again
[e-,ex-] out
elevate 提拔,提升
levitation 升空,漂浮
levity 欠考虑,不慎重,轻率,轻浮
9. commiserate kƏ-MIZ′-Ə-rayt 怜悯,同情
Latin [miser] wretched(可怜的,讨厌的,苦恼的)
prefix [con-] becomes com- before a root beginning with m- together or with
miser/miserly/miserable/misery 吝啬鬼/吝啬/痛苦/痛苦
10. vacillate VAS′-Ə-layt 摇摆,波动,犹豫
Latin [vacillo] to swing back and forth
ambivalent/ambivalence 对某人,某物有矛盾情感的/矛盾情绪
Latin [oscillum] a swing
oscillate 使震动,使振荡

Other Words

Word Meaning
courteous 客气额,有礼貌的,谦恭的
vituperation 辱骂,责骂
scold 训斥,责骂
morosely 愁眉苦脸的,忧郁的
esteem 尊重,敬重,认为
gloomy 黑暗的,令人沮丧的
scarcely 几乎不,简直不
dreary 沉寂的,阴沉的
rapt 全神贯注的,入迷的
feign 假装,伪装
bereavement 丧亲之痛
pendulum 钟摆
virile 有男子气概的
soporific 催眠的,让人瞌睡的
scold 责骂
rebuke 责备
censure 指责
reprimand 指责
berate 谴责或斥责
unstimulating 不刺激的
stagnant 不流动的,停滞的
synthetic 合成的,人造的
pejorative 轻蔑的,贬损的
frivolity 轻浮
flippancy 轻浮
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