Chapter 10. How to talk about actions

Word/Root Pronunciation Meaning
1. taciturn TAS′-Ə-turn 沉默寡言的,不爱说话的
Latin [teceo] to be silent
tacit 缄默的
reticent 寡言少语的,含蓄的,谨慎的
[re-] again
[-ent] adjective
2. laconic lƏ-KON′-ik 简洁的,简明的
[Laconia] Ancient Sparta.
[-ness,-ity,-ism] noun suffix
laconicity usual laconicity
laconism 简洁,简练, habitual laconism
laconicism 简短,
laconicness characteristic laconicness
3. inarticulate in′-ahr-TIK′-yƏ-lƏt 不善辞令的,笨口拙舌的
Latin [articulus] a joint
[-ness,-ity,-ism,-ion,-ation] articulation, vocalization
4. garrulous GAIR′-Ə-lƏs 饶舌,话多的
Latin [garrio] to chatter
5. banal BAY′-nƏl
6. verbose vƏr-BŌS′ 冗长的,啰嗦的
Latin [verbum] word
verbatim word for word,一字不差的
verbal 口头的,动词的,言语的
[-al] adjective suffix
verbiage (贬)冗词。措词
7. voluble VOL′-yƏ-bƏl 喋喋不休的
Latin [volvo,volutus] to roll
[re-] back or again
revolve 旋转,环绕,转动
involve roll in,包含,涉及
evolve roll out,演化,进化
8. cogent KŌ′-jƏnt Well put, convincing. (理由、论据)有说服力的
Latin [cogo] to drive together, compel, force
cogency 说服力,中肯切题
9. vociferous vō-SIF′-Ər-Əs 吵吵嚷嚷的,大声叫喊的,叫嚣的
Latin [vox, vocis] voice
vociferouseness/vociferate 大声地说,叫喊
somniferous 催眠的,使爱睡的
Latin [somnus] sleep
[-ous] adjective suffix
insomnia/insomniac/insomnious 失眠/失眠患者/失眠症的
somnolent 瞌睡的,困的
[ambulo] to walk
somnambulism 梦游症
ambulatory 步行的,非固定的
[per] through
perambulator/perambulate 巡视者/巡视
amble 漫步,从容地走
ambulance 救护车. so called because it originally was composed of two strecher-bearers who walked off the battlefield with a wounded soldier
preamble "walks before", 序文,前言
Latin [sopor] sleep
soporific 同somnierous。同时也代表安眠药
10. loquacious lō-KWAY′-shƏs 爱说话的,多嘴的,嘴碎,贫嘴。(因为爱说而说)
loquacity/loquaciousness 多话
Latin [loquor] to speak
[solus] alone
soliloquy 自言自语,独白
soliloquist 独白者
soliloquize 独白
Latin [venter,ventris] belly
ventriloquist/ventriloquism/ventriloquize/ventriloquistic 口技表演者/口技/表演口技/口技的
ventral 腹部的
ventricle 心室的
Latin [auris] ear
auricle 上心房
clavicle 锁骨
cuticle (手指甲或者脚趾根部)外皮
vesicle 痘,水疱
testicle 睾丸,精巢
Latin [avunculus] uncle
avuncular 伯父的,像伯伯(叔叔)似的
Latin [dorsum] a back side
dorsal 背的
endorse 赞同,支持,宣传
[con-] together
spelled as col before a root starting with L,
spelled as cor- before a root starting with r,
spelled as com- before root starting with m, p, b
colloquial/colloquialism 口语的,会话的/口语,俗话
[circum] around
circumlocution 委婉曲折,迂回
[-ory] adjective suffix
circumlocutory (讲话)委婉曲折的,迂回的
[-ary] adjective suffix
contrary 相反的
disciplinary 有关纪律的,惩戒性的
stationary 不动的,固定的
imaginary 想象的
[-ary] noun suffix
dictionary 词典
commentary 评论性文章,评论
[e-, ex-] out
eloquent expressive, fluent, forceful. 口才流利的
[magnus] large
[grandis] grand
magniloquent/grandiloquent 夸张的,大言不惭的,吹牛的
[animus] mind
magnanimous 宽宏大量的,有雅量的
magnate 富豪,权贵
magnify 放大,赞美
magnificent 壮丽的,宏伟的
[-tude] noun suffix
magnitude 巨大,广大,重大,重要
fortitude 坚韧,刚毅,松柏节操
multitude 大量
gratitude 感激,感谢
Latin [Opus] work
magnum/magnum opus 大酒瓶/巨著,杰作,代表作
[opero] to work
operate 操作
co-operate 合作
operator 运营商

Other Words

Word Meaning
decorum 端庄,体统
utmost 最大的
arteries 动脉
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